Tuesday, December 30, 2003

we could be.
i think thats pretty interesting.
i also like that the dems have two black presidential candidates, and one who isnt all that bad.
to me those are three pretty big things.
one of the nice things about blogs is that you can determine what the current events are.
you can write about what theyre talking about on tv or about whats in us magazine
or you can write about something you havent seen on tv
and what theyve never written about in us
i cant believe that incredible line up, by the way.
there will be several other people who will hopefully say yes, but thats a mighty strong foundation right there.
a new level of overkill.
i hope everyone has a great new years eve.
if you would like to send in your new years resolutions, now is a great time.
just email xxxtonyxxx at hotmail dot com
Saturday, December 27, 2003

now there are not only lots of blogs but lots of good blogs. lots of good writers. lots of good ideas.
people have already done their thing for a little while. they know whats up. they know whats missing.
write whats missing in Lick.
write it in your own thing too if you want, but take it up another level for Lick.
if the people in your comments dont really like it when you talk about sex or politics or religeon on your blog, or if your mom reads it, or if your job reads it, write it in Lick.
if youre cheating on your lovah, if youre secretly digging justin timberlake, if youre silently loving the OC, tell us why.
you have the blanket of secrecy here.
nobody will know your name.
if you think people will know you by your style, write in all lowercase. only paragraph every ten sentences. most people are dullards. kurt vonnegut wrote 25 books and that one graduation speech about "always wear sunscreen... live in new york once in your life..." they attributed to him even though he would never say anything like that.
write about your life. write about your dreams. write about your friends.
you think i can write about my friends on my blog? youre crazy. and i have Great friends. write about your friends.
write something true that if your mom found out would make her cry.
lord knows i have a few of those tales. not too many, but the one im thinking of now would make for a great lick entry.
wanna start smaller? tell me about a great new cd you got for christmas. tell me about a movie you saw. tell me about a blog you read that isnt written by a friend of yours. or if you must, tell me how much you love your best friend.
you can put your real name on items that you want to put your real name on, fyi.
you can write lots of things if you want.
you can write a haiku if you choose.
you can do anything.
you can do nothing.
i like pictures. i like pictures of city garbage cans. "keep memphis clean" signs on garbage cans. take pictures, upload them somewhere, like on Buzznet, and email me the link.
dont email the pictures. my mailbox is a nightmare.
try not to email Word documents. again, my mailbox is a nightmare. copy & paste into the body of your email body.
tell me your new years resolutions.
eventually we'll get to the rest of your secrets.
Lick will be the shit, because of you
not me.
Thursday, December 25, 2003

im not sick. shes not here any more. shes on an airplane ride to the east coast. it's raining outside.
although imacs are cute, supercute, i dont like writing on them.
by the way, this isnt lick. this is behind the scenes of lick.
trust me, when lick launches you'll know. it will be beautiful and big and thick and you barely will even see my name anywhere. which apparently some of you want.
i dont mind controversy. i dont mind haters. i dont mind people asking me questions. but i do mind people doubting me and questioning me. big difference there.
i want this to be an all girls thing because i want it to be an all girls thing. period.
nothing up my sleeve.
nothing has ever been up my sleeve for as long as youve "known" me, which is why my approval rating on this thing is in the high 90s.
people trust me because they should.
i dont get a shitton of hits on the blogoshpere, but i get enough, and i could use those powers in evil ways, but i never have becasue thats not my style.
whatever "powers" i have, i have typically tried to use to turn on people to other writers.
who writes 2-3 times a day and puts 3-4 links at the bottom of each post like i do? very few. i dont do that to be any damn saint i do that because i appreciate the good that is happening on the blogosphere and i think its insane that some of the people who i link to average 12-50 hits a day and i average 1,000.
on one level lick is speaking to that imbalance.
on another level i think people will write differently when the can write anonomosly or however the fuck you spell it.
i know i will write differently when i can write anonomously. i will say stuff about my job, i will say stuff about my feelings, and you know what i will even say stuff about my real sex life. get 30-40 people writing honestly and freely without the chains of their own names and youve got something that you do not see on the web right now.
and that should be celebrated and anticipated, and not doubted nor rejected.
i havent yet figured out all of my new years resolutions but one of them will be that i will stop the insane belief that everyone will understand me and my motives and i will stop assuming that everyone will like what i do just because im me and i have a pretty good track record.
in 2004 i will just do what i do and i will do a better job of ignorning those who doubt me, and instead focusing my energies on those who support me.
not everyone is gonna get it.
todays jesus's birthday. not everyone got him, and im nowhere near as cool as he is. peter "the rock" dissed him three times before the cock crowed. phillip, right before jesus was about to die said before you die, can you "show us the father." and jesus looked at him and said wtf?
so tony baloney full of macaroni shouldnt assume that no one is gonna diss him three times before the cock crows either.
thats what is important about the good book.
thats whats important about the story of jesus.
thats what we should think about during christmas.
thats what i think about anyways.
i hope you all have a merry christmas.
i will.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003

well it's about damn time!
Is anyone besides me turning down Tony's offer to pimp the blog senoritas out on his new site, Lick?
first of all, no.
nobody has said no to this besides you.
secondly, just cuz im black you gotta call me a pimp?
its like that now?
Likely he had good intentions but it feels icky and sleazebally to me. Why write on a site he runs rather than your own?
my intentions are not only good, but theyre great. and theres nothing icky nor sleazebally about wanting to be part of something with a lot of people who i respect, and people who i wouldnt have normally had the chance to work with.
whats icky is distrusting someone who allegedly has good intentions. either believe that that person is being as genuine and truthful as hes been publicly for years, or dont. but dont say one thing and then in the same sentence say something completely opposite.
Are you really writing that many snazzy blog entries during the day that you can diddle them away for his jollies?
everyone can write a little more. and most people, especially people who Like to write appreciate the opportunity to write to a different and/or broader audience. and most people need a reason to write more.
consider this your reason.
as for my jollies
i dare you to write something that would appeal to my jollies.
i read and read and read every damn day, for hours, and maybe its cuz im 110 years old, but there are very very few writers who can quickly or easilly find their way to my jollies.
maybe its because people continue to act as if im just like the lowest common denominator of their fears.
honey, im about sex, drugs And rock.
and you dont even want to get me started about my number one jollie which is none of those.
Sure, Gawker and associated web dignitaries could very well link it and send mad readers a stampeding. That is cool.
excuse me, who? ive done the busblog for over two years now. ive had my website longer than that. the first project i ever did on my own was the original Lick, which, it so happens, was also primarilly written by women.
Gawker has never linked me even once.
Gawker the last time i checked was about celebrity gossip. i know im hot, but do i look like cameron diaz?
mad readers will come a stampeding because it will be a worthwhile read, not because of any associated web dignitaries. of course there will be spikes but you keep those people by having consistant quality and surprises. people will come back because theyre getting something better than if they click to somewhere else. so fuck anything other than quality.
But most likely, Tony will be the only one mentioned and discussed for his genius of organizing a bunch of amazing females to churn out his bread and butter.
i love when people see into the future and all they chose to see is negative spoiling it for positive. on one hand people are saying nice things about me in the future but on the other hand the spotlight remains on me and me alone.
not even hugh hefner gets the only attention when surrounded by tons of women - and hes hugh hefner!
are you saying that the work of 30-40 completely different women writers cant compete with me? who exactly are you trying to insult with that sort of talk?

and the busblog will obviously remain my "bread and butter".
(who the hell churns out bread?!?!)
The writers are by no means floozies but the comparison pretty much makes my point for me. Ya dig?
uh, no.
are you comparing Lick writers with floozies? are you comparing bread and butter? what exactly are you comparing that pretty much makes your point for you?
and if they were floozies, are you saying that floozies shouldnt be allowed to write?
Write for yourself or join a group blog,
this is a group blog, basically. its a group of people writing. and while also writing among a vast web site, they will do it on a blog. as a group. and individually. its like a super group blog.
the difference is, this one hasnt even seen the light of day yet and is already being judged by you
and the other difference is this one will get read.
but maybe not one masterminded by webfamous sexchickman who only invited females to tell their sordid tales.
how many times do i have to be punished for having a mastermind, for being webfamous, or for wearing tshirts that say sexchickman?
the donnas only invited females and they sound better because of it
and ive said repeatedly that the writers can write about anything that they want to write about including participating in the very first group assignment which is New Years Resolutions, hardly sordid
unless they are.
and since i said write whatever you want, if they become sordid who am i to judge?
who the fuck is doing anything decently sordid nowadays anyway.
like these pithy complaints i bet most of the planet lives boring
predictable cookiecutter
mundane lives.
one of the goals of Lick is to attract people who actually live life
have them write it down
and email it to my sexdrugsrock ass
and if some motherfucker wants to flow you some paypal because of it
or if you end up writing a bunch more this year because of it
or if someone gets a smile on their face because you wrote something good
or if traffic gets flowed to your personal site
or if you get to be part of something bigger than just lil old you
then this little thing would have been worth it.
i appreciate your opinion
next time allow me the courtesy of making something first before you throw your tomato.
and that goes for your pouty friend too.

theres power in numbers.
my girl jeanine sent in a haiku, besty sent in her wish list for next year, and there were multiple right ons regarding the project from all over the country.
the first assignment is simple.
email in your new years resolutions.
im hoping to get at least 50 before the begining of the year, which is in 8 days. but none of this is about quantity, its the internet, its all about quality.
two thousand and four and what do you want to do with yourself
no ones gonna do it for you
(for nothin)
so what will next year have for you.
this year im most proud of the fact that i switched over to diet sodas and it stuck.
lost maybe 7-8 pounds right there.
next year i want to be proud of something slightly more important.
is that so insane?
one thing i want to do is make something on the internet that isnt there right now.
marc brown figured out a way to put poop on websites.
if only i could think in such simple ways.