
Friday, February 13, 2004

this week in rock in los angeles

berlin, the canyon
lee rocker, cozy's
kanye west, house of blues
tony bennet, disney concert hall
mort sahl w/ mare winningham, mccabes

saturday 2/14
r. kelly, la entertainment center
deep purple with thin lizzy, wiltern
billy vera and the beaters, cozy's
kanye west, key club

sunday 2/15
busta w/ lil kim, la entertainment center
snoop dogg's playas ball, key club
the spazmatics, dragonfly
swell, spaceland

monday 2/16
metal shop, viper room

tuesday 2/17
michael penn, largo
cannibal corpse, key club
melissa etheridge, house of blues

wednesday 2/18
stephen pearcy, cat club
melissa etheridge, house of blues

thursday 2/19
star fuckers, cat club
nina hagen, key club
supersuckers w/ the hangmen, roxy
melissa etheridge, house of blues

la blogs + joz joz joz + kate sullivan

Sunday, February 01, 2004

lick is up

im exhausted

i'll write more about it later
